
In the Godfather movie was said the following phrase while Geary talked to Michael:

Lut's cut out the bullshit. I don't want to spent more time here than I have to.

Please, explain the meaning of the cut out phrasal.

  • 2
    Phrasal verbs can be found in dictionaries.
    – user6951
    Feb 21, 2015 at 19:19

1 Answer 1


Cut out the X means to stop X. It's very informal and a bit "rough" - avoid using in a polite or professional setting. It's often used to switch a conversation from casual to serious.

Cut it out.

Let's cut out the small talk and get down to business.

Cut out the aggressiveness, my friend. We should be friendly if we expect to succeed.

Note that cut out X means to remove (with a knife or scissors), when you say/write it without the "the".

So, with the exception of "cut it out" above, if you don't say "the", the listener/reader will be confused as it would seem you were about to say cut out as in remove. Depending on context, "cut it out" can also mean "cut out with a knife or scissors".


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