I just knew/knew just now the store is closed so now I don't know where to go to get my stuff.

Do you say "just knew" or "knew(know) just now" if you realise something very recently? And will it be any real difference in meaning between "knew just now" and "know just now"?

1 Answer 1


Not really. You would say, "I just found out the store is closed", or "Just now, I discovered the store is closed". If you were disappointed you might say, "I just knew the store would be closed", but you're expressing an opinion about a previous state of mind, rather than reporting the fact of the store not being open.

  • Is this usage wrong then? I knew just now, the author who wrote a book that taught me basic knowledge of algorithm sat near of me. source
    – user49119
    Jul 4, 2014 at 8:10
  • Yes, that sounds strange to a native speaker. It makes no sense to combine a simple past tense statement, 'I knew', with the present immediacy of 'just now'. In Polish you can make that construction, but there the notion of 'now' encompasses a much broader swathe of time.
    – drenerbas
    Jul 5, 2014 at 15:31

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