Consider that parents whose son is leaving home for the college say to their son:

Please keep on keep in touch with us when you get to the college.

Is this sentence idiomatic?

How do we say naturally that we want to keep in touch continuously?

  • 1
    "keep on keep in touch " - there's probably one redundant "keep" Feb 9, 2015 at 19:49
  • Do you want to combine the two expressions, namely "keep on" + "keep in touch" in a single clause? Feb 9, 2015 at 19:51
  • @CopperKettle I agree with you but if I omit the first "keep", the sentence will not have a meaning which I want it to have.
    – Mrt
    Feb 9, 2015 at 19:51
  • 1
    In touch means in contact. Keep means something like stay or don't stop. So keep on keeping in contact means Stay staying in contact or Don't stop not stopping being in contact. The second keep is a little bit redundant - though it's not wrong! (ps, you need an -ing form of the verb after the preposition on) :-) I like your question. Feb 10, 2015 at 1:14
  • @Araucaria Thank you. I like your answers :) Btw I saw "to continue to stay in touch / keep in touch" is used on the internet because I think people don't prefer to use the same word not in a the same sentence even in the same paragraph.And I think it is not idiomatic to say " I am continue staying in touch/contact" form ?
    – Mrt
    Feb 10, 2015 at 20:20

2 Answers 2


How do we say naturally that we want to keep in touch continuously.

It would be okay to leave just one expression:

  1. Please keep in touch with us after you get to the college.

You might add some adjunct to it to stress your need for a continuous contact:

  1. After you arrive at the college, please keep in touch with us at all times.

.. sentences 1 and 2 would mean that the period of "continuous contact" will start at the moment of arrival to the college.

You can say:

  1. Please continue keeping in touch with us when you arrive at the college.

.. this would mean that there is an ongoing contact between the parents and the son, and that the parents want to remain in the same kind of contact with their son after he arrives at the college.

You indeed can combine "keep on" + "keep in touch", but you would need to turn the second expression into "keeping in touch":

  1. After you arrive at the college, please keep on keeping in touch with us.

.. the meaning would be similar to sentence 3.

But people tend to avoid having two similar expressions close to each other, because such constructions look strange, despite being grammatically correct.

You can use "keep on keeping in touch" as a kind of wordplay to amuse yourself or your listeners, to make someone stop and notice this strange combination, but not too often. (0:

There is an expression that uses this effect: "keep on keeping on" - meaning "keep trying, keep doing what you are doing". It's used in poetry and songs:

And when finally the bottom fell out
I became withdrawn
The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keeping on like a bird that flew
Tangled up in blue


Adjust the sentence to "Please keep on keeping in touch with us."

So "keep on" means "continue," here. And "Keeping in" means "continuing to be" or "staying."

So you could say, "Please continue to stay in touch with us!" Or "Please continue staying in touch with us!" (Or, very awkwardly, "Please continue to continue to be in touch with us.")

Or, with the "-ing" to denote a continuing activity, stick with the alliterative "Please keep on keeping in touch with us."

  • I think we have (continue to / keep on ) and ( stay in touch / keep in touch and their gerund forms) ..Btw I knew the phrase " stay in touch" but I forgot to mention.And I could not think we can use the word continue instead of to keep on" . Which combination is better? I saw " to continue to stay/ keep in touch" more actually.
    – Mrt
    Feb 10, 2015 at 20:25
  • "Keep on keeping on" has a rhythm that's not bad. "Please keep giving us a call/Please keep writing" could work. "Please continue to stay in touch" could work...
    – A.Beth
    Feb 11, 2015 at 2:34

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