Questions tagged [homographs]

For questions about words written the same way but that have different meanings, whether pronounced the same way or not. For example, bear meaning "to carry" and bear meaning the animal.

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1 answer

What is a "minute thread"? [closed]

Each caterpillar unravels a single strand of delicate raw silk from its salivary glands and wraps the minute thread thousands of times around its body in a figure of eight pattern.
user90543's user avatar
-1 votes
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Distinguishing between different kinds of silicon

My company would like to find freebies made of silicon (Si, the metallic element, e.g. wafers or uncapped chips, something that has no practical purpose other than being shiny and having the company ...
anol's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

You can't spell 'Slaughter' without 'Laughter'

...and yet they are pronounced very differently. /ˈslɔtər/ vs /ˈlɑːftə(r)/ For those who don't read 'pronunciation': Slaw-ter vs Laff-ter Similarly: Homographs (words spelled identically but ...
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