He drank the milk from feeding bottle.

After finished drinking. He didn't want to give me the cap.

"Don't take it. You will lose it."

“Don't take it. You will make it lose.”

Do they grammatically correct and have the same meaning?

  • Your first version (not the second)( is syntactically valid, but not something a native speaker would be likely to say. More natural would be, say, [No,] you can't keep it, [because] you'd / you would only lose it. Sep 21, 2017 at 13:20

1 Answer 1


Neither is really correct. As FumbleFingers points out, the first is grammatically fine, but it's not really natural English.

Don't take the cap, you'll just lose it.

Give me back the cap. If you hold on to it, you'll just lose it.

The second is incorrect because "make it lose" is ungrammatical, plus native speakers would not normally ask someone to "make [something] lost". "Make it go missing" perhaps, but that only in highly specific contexts.

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