I want to describe that something may be a very very good one. I would like to use "best" because I think it'd be really very good that I personally believe it's the best (just need more evidence).

Which should I say:

  • May be the best
  • May be a best
  • Might be the best
  • Might be a best

Thanks for helping out!

  • Please provide more context. The best what? I formatted your question but could not presume to add punctuation. If you could, please complete with context, full sentences, and punctuation for each case. Jun 20, 2014 at 18:54

3 Answers 3


It depends what you are talking about, and you will need to add a subject to the beginning of your sentence.

It may be a best. could be used if you are talking about something personal like a game score. For example you got a new great bowling score, and think it might be the highest you've ever gotten. In this case, "a best" is used as a short form of "a personal best".

It may be the best. could be used to talk about any situation where there are multiple candidates and one is believed better. For example, when discussing how awesome song #12 is on a CD.

In either of these cases you could substitute "might" for "may". You should keep in mind that "best" is a relative term. Something god awful can still be the best if its competition is worse.

  • 1
    @Aw Q - In this context, you can also use could in place of might or may, to express a degree of speculation. "That could be the best pie I've ever eaten," for example.
    – J.R.
    Jun 21, 2014 at 2:23

When you’re talking about the thing that is better than every other thing in the world, use “the best”.  The phrase “a best” implies that you’re talking about many “best” things, e.g.,

  • A best practice (one of several very good practices; collectively, the best)
  • A personal best.  The best that I have ever done (e.g., my fastest time in a race) is my personal best.  You, Archa, and Louis have your own personal bests.

May be the best may be the best. ;)

  • -1. I'm afraid this answer is Not An Answer; it appears to be more of a joke than an actual attempt to answer the question.
    – user230
    Jun 21, 2014 at 19:35
  • @snailplane It's a funny constructive answer.
    – Archa
    Jun 21, 2014 at 21:18

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