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Post Closed as "Duplicate" by M.A.R., LMS, Glorfindel, Nathan Tuggy, Varun Nair
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One "One fifth of the population is childrenchildren" or are children"are children"

Which is correct: "one fifth of the population is children" or "one fifth of the population are children"?

  1. One fifth of the population is children.
  2. One fifth of the population are children.

One fifth of the population is children or are children

Which is correct: "one fifth of the population is children" or "one fifth of the population are children"?

"One fifth of the population is children" or "are children"

Which is correct:

  1. One fifth of the population is children.
  2. One fifth of the population are children.

Is One fifth of the verbpopulation is children or are children

Which is correct: one"one fifth of the population is children,children" or one"one fifth of the population are childrenchildren"?

Best Susanne

Is the verb is or are

Which is correct: one fifth of the population is children, or one fifth of the population are children?

Best Susanne

One fifth of the population is children or are children

Which is correct: "one fifth of the population is children" or "one fifth of the population are children"?

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