Vanity, thy name is woman.
The adjective "vain" has two common senses. One of them applies here.
It sounds like Motabariga is a sin of self-importance, the kind of character flaw that leads someone to believe that her (or his) appearance has a far greater value than it does in fact.
Let's see how well it fits:
The word Motabariga (which means something like vanityvain or self-aggrandizementaggrandizing) is the Muslim Sheiks' favorite word to describe a woman who wears revealing clothes. The word has a negative connotation to it, and is used almost exclusively to attack women who dare to show more skin than custom allows.
I was wrong.
OP asked for an adjective, but the one comprehensible example I've found treats the word in question as a noun:
[My father is] ashamed of me and avoids walking with me in the streets because he does not want anyone to say his daughter is a Motabariga.
In that context, nouns like "slut", "skank" and "jezebel" are a better fit. Better, but still not perfect.
The only perfect fit is no translation at all. Instead, define the term in the body of your text:
The word ____ (transliteration: Motabariga) is the Muslim Sheiks' favorite word to describe a woman who wears revealing clothes. This word, derived from the Arabic word for "to tower", means something like "a vain and haughty woman", and it carries a sharply negative connotation. It is used almost exclusively as an attack on women who dare to show too much skin.
I agree with @BradC's comment. The word and concept in question may well exist in that language and in that culture, but it simply does not exist in many English-speaking cultures. If you were merely translating a narrative, a word like "jezebel" might well be a close enough fit. However, since you're taking the time to discuss the word, you might as well make your discussion complete.