Should go or come be used in this sentence?
Is the answer come since the cat is moving towards the people?
So, Alex decided to organize a meeting with his friends in front of the voluntary association. Once there, Alex and his friends went inside, hoping to spot the animal. What happened next was amazing! Not far from them, a cat started going / coming towards them. It was him!
That scene filled Alex’s heart with joy. He was so proud of having made his friends' day that he came back home with a smile that no one could take away from him.
So, Alex decided to organize a meeting with his friends in front of the voluntary association. Once there, Alex and his friends went inside, hoping to spot the animal. What happened next was amazing! Not far from them, a cat started going / coming towards them. It was him!
That scene filled Alex’s heart with joy. He was so proud of having made his friends' day that he came back home with a smile that no one could take away from him.