Perhaps "emphasis" isn't the most helpful word for OP to use here. The example statement...
1: He does know the truth (there's absolutely no doubt about that!)
...would be very unusualunlikely (but not impossible) if it was simply intended to convey the "emphasis" of, for example,...
2: He really knows the truth! (there's absolutely no doubt about that!)
Normally, the "do-support" of #1 above to refuterefutes / contradictcontradicts ansome earlier assertion, such as...
3a: "I doubt if even John knows the truth of the matter."
3b: "You're mistaken. He does know the truth."
Note that the word does will always carry heavy stress in such contexts.
By the same token, in OP's question context, including do-support, as...
4: Who does know the truth?
...would normally only occur in contexts where the speaker has just been told that someone he thought might know the truth actually doesn't - equivalent to...
5: If what I previously thought isn't true, then what is true?
6a: "It's no use asking me. I don't have a clue!"
6b: "Who does know the truth, then?"