I have read in http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/figure-out that Figure out contains two meanings:
1.to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened. figure out how/what/why etc Can you figure out how to do it? If I have a map, I can figure it out. Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out (=find a way to solve the problem).
2.to understand why someone behaves in the way they do SYN work out Women. I just can’t figure them out
According to http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/figure-sth-sb-out figure out contains one meaning:
1.to finally understand something or someone, or find the solution to a problem after a lot of thought: [ + question word ] I can't figure out why he did it. I find him really odd - I can't figure him out at all. Can you figure out the answer to question 5?
According to https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/figure%20out Figure out means:
1.discover, determine
2.solve, fathom
According to https://www.google.com.np/amp/www.macmillandictionary.com/license/amp/dictionary/british/figure-out Figure out contains two meanings they are:
1.to be able to understand something or to solve a problem**
We had to figure out the connection between the two events. figure out how/what/who etc: I couldn’t figure out what the teacher was talking about.
2.figure someone out to understand what someone is like and why they behave in the way that they do.
So,What's the actual meaning of 'Figure out'and how many meanings does it contain?