It is okay to say

A and B correspond to C and D, respectively.

But, is it okay to say

They correspond to C and D, respectively?

Here implicitly it is assumed that 'they' represents 'A and B'. The concern is that, it could also be 'B and A'.

1 Answer 1


To use


there needs to be a 1-to-1 correspondence between the two lists so the match in the proper ordering. Your sentence as it stands

They correspond to C and D, respectively.

is ambiguous, however with additional context

A and B are managers at the company.
They correspond to C and D, respectively.

A would be paired with C and B would be paired with D.

  • Should the words in the first list connected using and or could I use or. For example: A or B correspond to C and D, respectively. ?
    – alper
    Commented Mar 11, 2022 at 16:37

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