Well, it's not going to talk about Middle English, but middle verbs.
There are some verbs, such as, read, slice and break that just like ergative verbs, affect their subjects making confusions whether they are used correctly or not.
We, simply, can use an adverb at the end of the sentences having those middle verbs to make them both correct and logical, if and only if, we know those verbs.
It's a rather complicated issue even for a native speaker and mostly sounds to be of linguistics. But it may cause more problems especially for a non-native speaker, a Kurdish person like me.
What I'm looking for is a list of those verbs (middle verbs) to identify them in sentences/texts and as well as to be able to use them grammatically correct.
If you do not use a list, then how will you recognize them in writings, please?
An example sentence: This book reads easily.
Read: middle verb, and "easily" the adverb for making the sentence more logical.