I know that there is the word cross out, with the meaning like to draw a line on something written that is relevant no more. And we cross out something in lists, etc.

But could we use just the verb cross to express the meaning when we draw a cross on smth (like to X), but it still relevant to us in its changed condition (being crossed).

I need to put it in such context

After erasing the sticker must be crossed with red lines.

We cannot crossed out the sticker because it still will be stick on smth. I have this feeling that it cannot be "out". So can we use just the verb cross for this? Or maybe I have the wrong feeling.

Please, help me to understand it.

  • No, "out" has nothing to do with the status of the sticker, just the markings on it. Since it is a phrasal verb, cross out needs to be interpreted as a whole, rather than by the individual words. rub out def. 1 is similar.
    – user3169
    Commented Oct 9, 2018 at 1:15

1 Answer 1


Yes, you can use cross with the following definition:

To make or put a line across

You are correct that with the preposition out there is usually a connotation of negation.

You may also encounter use with off. This usually has the connotation of completion rather than negation. As in, "We can cross off a few items from our to-do list."

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