I was reading the news on Yahoo and found a mistake (as per my opinion). I need your valuable feedback to make sure if it was a mistake or I am wrong! It is a paragraph on Yahoo. Please check and let me know.
On Yahoo:
There has been a shift of power, control and decision making from the parents and elders of the family to the individuals themselves. That is not saying that parents and the family is not involved in the decision, but there is much more emphasis placed on what the individuals want, what they are looking for and who they will be compatible with.
As per my opinion:
There has been a shift of power, control and decision making from the parents and elders of the family to the individuals themselves. That is not saying that parents and the family are not involved in the decision, but there is much more emphasis placed on what the individuals want, what they are looking for and who they will be compatible with.
Thanks in advance.