Check out these sentences:
"What are you doing, honey?" ~ "Nothing, just feeding the kid!" - correct but
"What are you doing, honey?" ~ "Nothing, just sleeping the kid!" - incorrect (it takes putting the kid to sleep).
We cannot simply count the number of verbs as they are many. But then how to decide what proper verb it takes when you are doing something for someone?
Check this more...
"What are you doing, honey?" ~ "Nothing, just readying the kid for the party!" or
"What are you doing, honey?" ~ "Nothing, just getting the kid ready for the party!"
Even more...
"What are you doing, honey?" ~ "Nothing, just bathing the kid!" or
"What are you doing, honey?" ~ "Nothing, just giving the kid a bath!"
So, the question:
There are many verbs and thus, how to decide which action takes which verb? For instance, in that sentence, it took feeding but there, sleeping does not work. Maybe, what J.R. says, it's about transitive/intransitive verbs.