I came across with this sentence:

I’m awfully sorry but I haven’t done my homework/ assignment.

what's the role of "but" in the sentence..it sounds like non-apology phrase!

shouldn't it be something like this?

I’m awfully sorry...I haven’t done my homework/ assignment.


2 Answers 2


According to Cambridge Dictionary:

but (conjunction): used to introduce an added statement, usually something that is different from what you have said before.

I'm sorry, but I think you're wrong when you say she did it deliberately.

The example given is quite similar to yours, and both phrases are and sound perfectly normal. I'm awfully sorry, but I haven't done my homework/assignment. sounds like the person is apologizing to whoever asked him/her about it, and letting him/her know that the homework/assignment was not done.

One workaround for your phrase could be I'm awfully sorry for not having done my homework/assignment., but be careful if you do choose to use this alternate phrase, because the context is different:

I'm awfully sorry, but I haven't done my homework/assignment.
The person who asked about the homework does not know it hasn't been done, it's unknown.

I'm awfully sorry for not having done my homework/assignment.
Either the person who asked about the homework knows it hasn't been done, and is scolding (for example) him/her, or it has been stated before.


The implied "contrast" in OP's example isn't with the 3-word apologetic introductory phrase - it's with the entire real-world context as relevant to the circumstances...

[I should have done my homework / You expected me to have done it,] but I haven't.

Exactly the same "unspecified contrasting referent" would apply with, for example,...

It's unfortunate, but [there is some problem]
It's weird, but [there is something weird going on]

(...despite the fact that [something unspecified] wasn't expected, it has in fact come to pass.)

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