I don't understand the correct meaning and concept of the following sentences.

1. I can't hear what are you saying?

2. I can't hear what you are saying?

another example;

1. Where are you going?

2. Where you are going?


1 Answer 1


In your first block, example 2 is normal usage: "I can't hear what you are saying?" while example 1 would only be normal if you inserted a comma: "I can't hear, what are you saying?" Both have essentially the same meaning, which is largely "Speak up!"

In your second block, it is the other way around: "Where are you going?" is normal usage, and I can't see a simple way to turn "Where you are going?" into anything normal - closest I can see would be "I don't know where you are going?" but that is quite a substantial change.

"Where are you going?" is fairly low-level - I can't see an easy way to explain it better.

  • @kauser Ali As corrected in Mike's answer, your examples 1. are questions. Examples 2 are statements. But you would have to turn your second example 2 into a full sentence: Where you are going is dangerous. Commented Nov 10, 2019 at 14:47
  • @ronald-sole Thank you very much. You 100% resolved my problem.
    – Kausar Ali
    Commented Nov 10, 2019 at 15:18

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