When preceding the word 'until' before a date, does it include this date or it excludes this date?

For example:

The first semester classes will be from 1st September Until 17th January.

Does it include classes on 17th or the last class is on 16th?

  • Commonsense suggests that if the last class was on the 16th, they would have said 'until 16 January'. Dec 29, 2019 at 9:34

1 Answer 1


It would probably be intended to include the 17th, but there is some doubt - so it's common to write

The first semester classes will be from 1st September until 17th January (inclusive)

to be absolutely clear that there are classes on both 1st September and 17th January.

You can write

The first semester classes will be from 1st September until 17th January (exclusive)

If there are no classes on the first and last dates listed, but I don't know of an easy way to include one date but not the other without adding more words.

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