I am applying for PhD. In university's site I have seen several possessive phrases which have completely confused me. Which of these are correct?
1- UCI EECS Department / UCI Department of EECS / UCI's EECS's Department / UCI's EECS Department / UCI EECS's Department) (in this link, as you see, they have used UCI EECS Department and here, they have written "The UCI Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science". Should I use always THE before UCI which is abbreviation? For example, they have written somewhere the UCI department and somewhere else they have written "UCI engineering" (without THE)). Which one is correct?
(The?) UCI EECS’s graduate program / UCI's EECS’s graduate program / UCI EECS graduate program? This part is somewhat like above. Should I igonre s in s in EECS's write it EECS'? it ends up with S!
EECS faculty/EECS's faculty/EECS' faculty? Also in this page they have not used THE for EECS despite it is sth specific (EECS, home to more than 50 percent of ...). It seems wrong!
faculty members/members of faculty/faculty's members? I have not seen two latter, but I don't know that how first one describes possession relationship between two words??
Sorry for lengthy question. Thanks for reading my question. Thanks again.