Some people are very difficult, unfriendly, likes to argue, disagree, do not cooperate, often talk with loud voice.
What are common adjectives to express these kinds of people?
harsh or sharp-tongued or shrewish?
shrew‧ish /ˈʃruːɪʃ/ adjective old use
a shrewish [person] is one who always argues and disagrees with people
sharp-ˈtongued adjective [usually before noun] saying things in a disapproving or unfriendly way which often upsets people
his sharp-tongued friend
harsh 2 TREATMENT/CRITICISM severe, cruel, or unkind harsh criticism/treatment/punishment etc
His theory met with harsh criticism from colleagues.
the harsh measures taken against the protesters
‘She’s an idiot!’ ‘Aren’t you being a bit harsh?’
a harsh authoritarian regime
He had harsh words (=severe criticism) for the Government.