I am really confused with this sound /eɪ/

It seems that it has a /j/ or 'aaaay' sound when it is at the end of the word like:

  • Day - /deɪ/
  • pray - /preɪ/

Also with words like

  • Played

Some people (non-natives) mispronounce it like [pleɪ.jd] because they think that 'y' letter is pronounced here

So, does it make this slight /j/ sound?

  • 4
    TLDR: Yes! ........ Does this answer your question? are the pronuncations of 'ei' and 'ej' the same in İPA?
    – Void
    Jun 19, 2021 at 18:44
  • 1
    Yes, where nearly all dictionaries use /eɪ/, academic linguists use /ej/ because diphthongs are not two complete vowel sounds, but a vowel plus a "glide". Further, if you actually pronounce /eɪ/ it doesn't make the sound in "play" as accurately as /ej/. There might be a historical reason why dictionaries are like this, but it doesn't reflect the language "as she's spoke".
    – gotube
    Jun 30, 2021 at 21:38


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