Is there a very known way to say that something asks for more problems? In other words, that a new solution, for example, is very likely to cause more problems than solve.

  • 1
    Do you mean more common than "This will cause more problems than it solves" - which is a nice natural sounding and idiomatic expression
    – James K
    Commented Oct 27, 2021 at 15:45
  • Yeah, maybe I'm complicating it.
    – m26a
    Commented Oct 27, 2021 at 15:55
  • @JamesK You should make that an answer.
    – Mark G B
    Commented Oct 28, 2021 at 0:51
  • You're asking for trouble if you're behaving in a way that is likely to cause problems / a problem for you. But idiomatically, we simply don't normally say you're asking for problems if you're behaving in a way that is likely to cause trouble[s] for you. Commented Oct 28, 2021 at 13:07

4 Answers 4


There is a colorful idiom for a solution that introduces problematic complexities: it "opens up a can of worms."

  • I've also heard "open a new can of worms" or "open a fresh can of worms" for the implication that there's already been a lot of such complications on a project.
    – Muzer
    Commented Oct 28, 2021 at 9:38
  • This expression means "it creates unanticipated problems". It has no suggestion of anything working against the intended purpose.
    – gotube
    Commented Oct 29, 2021 at 1:28

"This invites (more) problems (than it solves)"

is an idiomatic way of expressing it,

or "...causes...", as James K has already pointed out in his comment.

  • I would say "... creates ...".
    – David K
    Commented Oct 28, 2021 at 13:11

You could say that it "invites trouble", or that "the medicine is worse than the cure".


It could be said that "this solution is going to open a Pandora's box".

Source: merriam-webster.com.


Money brings us happiness, but sometimes it just opens a Pandora's box.

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