I'm currently making these:


It's a puff pastry stuffed with meat, mushrooms and spices, a roll cut into such small pieces. I wanted to brag about these on a forum except I realized I have no clue what they are called in English.

  • What are they called in your language?
    – user485
    Feb 23, 2013 at 18:51
  • @user3169: "Paszteciki" which in direct translation means "Little pâtés". Google Translate is being unhelpful, translating them as "pies".
    – SF.
    Feb 23, 2013 at 19:13
  • Google suggests that "paszteciki" are a kind of "pasties".
    – Stephen
    Feb 23, 2013 at 20:07
  • @Stephen: It's quite possible it's the right word. There are "closed" variants of these too.
    – SF.
    Feb 23, 2013 at 20:45
  • 'Pastry' would probably be better; pâté in English generally means the 'paste' made from liver. I'd use the native term - that's pretty common in cuisine. Or you might post this question on Seasoned Advice and see if anybody there has a better name. In any case, it looks worth boasting about. Feb 23, 2013 at 22:28

4 Answers 4


I would describe the OP's dish as being neither pasties nor patties.

The most well known type of pasties in the UK are called Cornish pasty

Wikipedia defines a Cornish pasty as being:

... shaped like a ‘D’ and crimped on one side, not on the top. Its ingredients should include uncooked beef, swede (called turnip in Cornwall), potato and onion, with a light seasoning of salt and pepper, keeping a chunky texture. The pastry should be golden and retain its shape when cooked and cooled

Cornish Pasty

I believe the dish cooked by the OP does not resemble a pasty in the slightest.

Patties don't quite work for me either. There is a popular dish in Jamaica called, interestingly enough, Jamaican patty.

In the article the patty is described thus:

... contains various fillings and spices baked inside a flaky shell, often tinted golden yellow with an egg yolk mixture or turmeric. It is made like a turnover but is more savoury.

enter image description here

In Italy this type of stodgy finger food is virtually non-existent and has never really caught on in fashion. However, if an Italian had to describe the OP's snack food, they might describe it as being vol-au-vents. Vol-au-vents are always made from puff pastry, the small, golden-coloured shell cases are usually filled with a creamy savoury filling.

enter image description here

However, in the UK, as Barrie England pointed out, they would be recognized simply as sausage rolls, i.e., puff, flaky or short crust pastry, filled with sausage meat, rolled and baked in the oven. The most popular rolls are in fact made with sausages, but there are many variations on this theme, and not all of them need to be savoury. Due to their bite-sized portions they'll often be called mini-sausage rolls.

mini sausage rolls

Comparing the photos of the mini-sausage rolls with that of the OP's it seems pretty clear to me that the two snack foods share many similarities.

If one wanted to impress their guests with a fancy sounding name, I'd opt for vol-au-vent and call the mouthwatering dish, Beef and mushroom vol-au-vents. Otherwise, if your guests are unfamiliar with the term Paszteciki, I would suggest the more British sounding Spicy beef mushroom rolls

  • The best answer or comment so far. I've had many pasties in my life and what SF. posted is nothing like them. Your first photo shows what a proper pasty should look like.
    – Tristan
    Oct 12, 2013 at 13:12
  • 1
    The crust is supposed to be on the side because that is where a pasty is supposed to be held, while eating it.
    – Tristan
    Oct 12, 2013 at 13:14
  • Thank you @Tristan, I agree the photo SF posted look like sausage rolls, albeit the filling is quite different, so I suppose "Polish beef/pork/chicken rolls" would be a more descriptive choice.
    – Mari-Lou A
    Oct 12, 2013 at 14:18

They look like sausage rolls, which traditionally contain, well, sausages. They could also be spring rolls, a supposedly Chinese preparation. If you wanted to be precise, I suppose you could call them meat, mushroom and spice rolls.

  • 1
    I've never encountered 'sausage rolls' in the US; we call the miniature ones with cocktail sausages 'pigs in blankets'. Feb 23, 2013 at 23:31
  • 1
    Hm, that looks like pastry dough like you use for croissants. And we do have sausage rolls in the US, @StoneyB.
    – tchrist
    Feb 24, 2013 at 4:07
  • In the UK, pigs in blankets, are small sausages wrapped with bacon strips and roasted in the oven. They don't have any pastry.
    – Mari-Lou A
    Oct 12, 2013 at 14:10

English cuisine doesn't have anything quite like this, so unsurprisingly, there's no directly equivalent term. Your choices in such a case are (1) use the native term and hope it catches on (like, say, pierogis have), or (2) find the closest equivalent in English cuisine, and use that term, possibly with an ethnic marker. For the latter option, pasty (or pastie) or Polish pasty is probably your best bet, since it's the only word I know that implies a savory filling. (In contrast, both pie and pastry tend to imply a sweet filling.)

Just be careful, because no matter how you spell it, pasty can have an entirely different meaning. Make it clear that you're talking about food before you use this term.


Google suggests that "paszteciki" are a kind of "pasties", but bytebuster found "puff patties". Both look very similar: the words "pasties" and "patties" as well as the photos of the meals. Being neither Polish nor English native speaker, I have to admit that I cannot decide which it is. (Maybe even both are used depending on details of the recipe?)

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