In the game Shantae: Risky's Revenge, there's this scene where one of the characters suggests Shantae, the main protagonist, should try (eat) a puppy.

[Rotty] Here. You have GOT to try one of these!
[Shantae] Gasp! This is someone's pet!
[Shantae] Put it back where you found it!
[Rotty] Come on! Just a scout's taste!
[Shantae] Nevermind. I'll return this puppy myself.

I think "just a taste" means something like "try a little", right? But what about scout's? What does it mean in this context?

1 Answer 1


Yeah, just a taste means just a little, even as little a bite as possible.

But scout's taste is not a known collocation or saying. Maybe it's based on someone or something in the game story?

  • There doesn't seem to be anything even remotely connected with scouts in this game. I've found this video (youtu.be/S878n99TO8Q?t=115) on YouTube (1:55 - 2:28) maybe it would shed more light on the issue.
    – user20618
    Commented Jul 6, 2015 at 22:19

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