Is it possible to use 'flavor' to refer to different 'TYPES' of non-eatable things?
Say, there's a deodorant. And it has four labels - Wild, Cool, Naughty and Anger. But then, all fall under 'Adidas' for example.
Now, is it possible to use 'flavor' in this way?
Here it is! Adidas Wild. You'll really love it.
Hmm...but it's not something I'm looking for. What are the other flavors in this. Show me.
In simpler example:
I know you use Set Wet deo, but which 'flavor'?
Here, Set Wet is a brand under which, there are many types of deo - stone, sport, lazy etc.
I think 'flavor' goes better with something we eat - chocolate flavor, cola flavor etc.
Also, I hesitate using 'types' there. Not sure why, but it does not seem to be a proper word with no ambiguity in this context.