There are two other suffixes I can think of that I didn't see mentioned yet:
First is "-trix" Best examples I can think of would be aviator/aviatrix and dominator/dominatrix. Other examples, while somewhat rare in contemporary usage, and generally limited to legal or court related usage, are executor/executrix and administrator/administratrix (of a will or an estate). Side note: this is the root of the nickname Trixy which, by definition, is exclusive to women.
Second is "-ette" Examples include bachelor/bachelorette or Drum Major/(Drum) Majorette. There's suffragette, which comes from suffragist (and was originally a derogatory term.) Also, it was used to create names of groups of women like the Rockettes (based off of Rockefeller Center) or in band names like the Marvelettes or Ray Charles and the Raylettes. Note: "ette" also means diminutive, and its usage usually carried those connotations, so it has generally fallen out of favor (aside from the TV show, I believe). Contemporary use of the -ette suffix for a female would be highly controversial if not borderline insulting.