Well, come supper-time the woman said: 'Go you, and get one o' them there pies. I dare say they've come again now.'
The girl went and she looked, and there was nothing but the dishes. So back she came and says she: 'Noo, they ain't come again.'
'Not one of 'em?' says the mother.
'Not one of' 'em,' says she.
'Well, come again, or not come again,' said the woman, 'I'll have one for supper.'
'But you can't, if they ain't come,' said the girl.
'But I can,' says she. 'Go you, and bring the best of 'em.'
'Best or worst,' says the girl, 'I've ate 'em all, and you can't have one till that's come again.'
Well, the woman she was done, and she took her spinning to the door to spin, and as she span she sang:
'My darter ha' ate five, five pies today.
My darter ha' ate five, five pies today.'
This content is from "Tom Tit Tot" in English fairy tales. Could you teach the meaning "the woman she was done, and she took her spinning to the door to spin"?