Which one is correct?

This part is pertaining to server.

This part is pertained to server.

Should I use with instead of to in the examples?

I tried an online spellchecker, which it told me I should replace pertain with concern. Should I listen to it?

I want to say server will handle that part, or that part is done by server.

  • Since you already know how to use handle and done in this context, just use one of those and concentrate on using the definite article correctly. "This part is handled/done by the server." Commented Sep 15, 2013 at 19:31
  • Thanks Bob ! The reason I'm using these words instead of simple ones is that I am writing a formal article and in this section there are a lot of parts of a system which each of them handled by a specified part. So I need a lot words to prevent the article from getting boring. Thank YOU!@ Commented Sep 15, 2013 at 20:58
  • 2
    It's not poetry! Particularly in a formal context, where clarity is more important than entertaining your reader and not boring him, you should use simple words that you do understand. This would be a relatively uncommon way to use pertains (or concerns) - they're more often used in contexts with the sense is of interest/relevance to [something], which doesn't sit well with a pile of inanimate tin such as the server. Commented Sep 15, 2013 at 23:54

2 Answers 2

  1. 'This part is pertaining to the server' is correct -- better yet, use 'this part pertains to the server'

  2. Do not use 'with' - BobRodes explained that well

  3. Pertain and Concern can both be used here - but you would say 'This part concerns the server' or 'this part pertains to the server' -- Personally, I would use concerns

  4. Here are two sentences:

This paragraph concerns the server -- That sentence means: 'This paragraph is written about the server'

The server handles this paragraph -- That sentence means: 'The server controlls or otherwise does something to the paragraph'


I would say "This part pertains to the server." You don't need "is pertaining" because this is more a state of being than an ongoing action. You wouldn't use the passive voice. You shouldn't use "with"; "to" is correct. I wouldn't change the word to concerned.

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