The voice (active or passive) and the tense (present, perfect etc) are things that you can choose independently. You don't have to choose either passive or perfect: you can have active present, passive present, active perfect and passive perfect.
First, let's look at the present. When used in active voice, the verb interest requires an object:
you interest me.
We can also use it in passive voice. First of all, the object of the active voice sentence becomes the subject of the passive voice sentence, me -> I.
For most verbs, we can specify the agent (the subject of an active voice sentence) using the preposition by, but for interested we use the preposition in.
I am interested in you.
We can put both the active and the passive voice versions into the past, like this:
you interest me -> you have interested me. - active voice.
I am interested in reading -> I have been interested in you... passive voice.
Note that, in the passive voice version, we put the am into past, have been. Note also that these sentences would feel better with a time clause like since... or for a long time.
Comparing these with your first sentence, it is easy to see that your first sentence lacks an object me:
You have interested me in reading