Below text I have feeling that something is ungrammatical.Isn't the bold is dangling participle if don't put a comma after italic government?

By the way please don't put hold I am neither making you proof reading nor such stuff.I am confused and willing to learn.

I too was a bit disillusioned as a computer engineer turned FBI cyber agent working inside the government. Having come from private sector and now back in private sector, it is almost night and day how far behind our government is with deploying innovative technology to its mainstream users.

1 Answer 1


The sentence with having is definitely incorrect, and I think it is a dangling participle, yes. "Having come from" should modify I, not it.

However, you can't just run the two sentences together with a comma, because that would create something called a comma splice. They're two independent sentences each with their own main clause - I was a bit disillusioned and it is almost night and day - so you can't just ram them together with a comma. When you join independent sentences, you need a semicolon instead of a comma, or a coordinating conjunction, or to make one a subordinate clause.

The best way to make these into one sentence would be to rephrase it so everything refers to the proper subject. For example,

I too was a bit disillusioned as a computer engineer turned FBI cyber agent working inside the government ; having come from the private sector and now back in the private sector, I found it almost night and day how far behind our government is with deploying innovative technology to its mainstream users.

(By the way, it has to be the private sector - sector is a countable noun.)

  • The fix is where you add "I found it" or some similar phrase. You can join the sentences with a semi-colon, but that's not necessary to solve the problem. Another option would be to move the "having" clause from the second sentence to the first. You could say, "I too was a bit disillusioned blah blah the government, having come from the private sector and now back in the private sector. It is almost day and night etc". I think it would read more smoothly if you moved the "having" phrase to the front.
    – Jay
    Commented Sep 23, 2016 at 15:07

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