I've read in http://profrajappansblog.blogspot.co.ke/2010/10/participial-construction-absolute.html?m=1
It says that absolute construction makes use of absolute phrase. Here, absolute means 'independent' or 'not-related". The subject is always mentioned in absolute phrase, for example 'he being rich', but the subject is never mentioned in participle clause, for example: 'being rich'. The subject of the absolute phrase is always different from those of main clause.
Having read all this, I have now come to realize that absolute construction is related to the participle clause because participle clause having the use of different subjects can also be called 'an absolute construction'
Am i right at the point ? If I'm right,Then, I can say that the following sentences can also be called the absolute construction because the subordinate clauses have the different subjects than those of main clauses.For example:
1.The weather being nice, we decided to go for a picnic.
2.It being a cloudy night, I couldn't see the moon.
3.Saroj being late, I couldn't catch the bus.
4.The teacher being late, we had no school yesterday.
If these sentences are with absolute construction, these sentences can also be called participle clauses having the different subjects.participle with different subjects