For example, if there was a sofa in the room, and there were 3 people sitting on it, and there was a little space between their seat. How do you ask them to "move" or to "come close" to each other so that I can fit in, and have a seat with them?

Note: It's that one word that I'm looking for here that I used to know that you can use in this particular situation, but unfortunately, I'm non-native English speaker, that's why sometimes, I forget some words; It is used when you want to ask your seatmate to move to that empty space, or something like that.

Thanks for the answer.


4 Answers 4


It looks like you wanted scoot over.

  1. scoot
    2 : to slide especially while seated <scoot over and let me sit down>
  2. scoot over
    Move to the side, especially to make room. For example, If you scoot over a little I'll have room to sit down.
  • Usage note: this would be recognised in the US but is uncommon in the UK.
    – AndyT
    Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 14:59

In the UK one would normally ask somebody to hutch up, shuffle up or shuffle along (all of these are polite but informal) or move over- more formal but slightly less polite, or shove over which is neither formal nor polite.

  • 1
    Or you could ask "May I squeeze in beside you?" or "Do you think there is room for another?", which should prompt the sitters to move up. Commented May 3, 2021 at 8:22

budge up

works, meaning:

To move or scoot over in order to make room for someone, especially when sitting.

  • 1
    Usage note: this would be recognised in the UK. I suspect it is uncommon in the US.
    – AndyT
    Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 14:59

I want to be a bit informal on this one and to wider the usage. Here are examples I often see and read.

  • make space
  • move over
  • move aside
  • shove over
  • move off
  • scooch over
  • scoot over
  • give me some room

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