Literally as in the title. You earn money, right? You earn money by working. You can also steal money from a bank. So do you also "grab" money to mean that you steal money? Although collocation dictionaries that I have looked up do not list "grab money", I have seen it in song titles.
"Get the Girl, Grab the Money and Run" (A hip hop song)
It sounds like having a strong negative connotation. So I looked up some pictures and here is one I have got:
I think at this point to "grab the money" means the action of stealing it but I am really not sure.
So to tidy up, my question is of two parts:
- What does this phrase "grab the money" specifically mean? The action that you do to steal money or the action itself or?
- If that were commonly used, why wasn't it on collocation dictionaries?
Sorry for hot linking that image,