Is it correct to write the question: "Are there any more problems?"? considering that "problem" has a negative connotation to it? and to say: "There isn't any more problem" or "there aren't any more problems"? Thanks a lot.
2 Answers
If the sentence is in a negative construction, any is the proper word. Check these examples:
Are there any more problems with the house?
No, there aren't any more problems.
Also, There are = plural, so the complement of the statement must also come in the plural form. - Are there any more problem's' with the house? - No, there are not any more problem's' with the house.
There is = singular, so it means the complement of the statement must also come in the singular form. - Is there another problem with the house? - No, there is not another problem with the house.
You can also enjoy the no longer construction, it seems much easier for me, sometimes I use it when talking about negative statements:
There is no longer a problem with your house
There are no longer problems with your house
It's also used in other negative statements, such as: I no longer like her. She no longer likes me, I'm no longer your boyfriend, This house is no longer mine.
How to build a no longer construction: Subject + No longer + Verb
Or Subject + Verb + No longer.
Do not increase any other negative construction when using no longer, such as: He isn't no longer my boyfriend. No longer already functions as this role.
After fixing the tire to the car, the mechanic asked
Are there any more problems (with the car)?
to which the driver answered
There aren't any more problems, it was just the flat tire.