We have a very popular proverb which says:
A good product is not the sales person who recommends that you to buy it and compliments a lot about it. A good product has a high quality and the buyer would not need any compliments to buy it. They would choose these products themselves without any suggestions or specific advertisements.
We even use this proverb when we are talking about a person's qualities. For example, imagine two colleagues talking about a company's new member who they have heard lots of good things about him/her. One of them says:
- Tom (his/her direct manager who has hired the new member) said that he/she is a real talent.
The other one says:
- [the proverb in question]
Question: I was wondering if someone could let me know what do the AmE speakers say in such a situation and is there any equivalent saying or particular proverb for that concept in AE at all?
Apparently, there are some translations which can convey the message, but I have no idea if they work in AmE or not. I have no idea if they are contemporary, or how well known they are or if they are considered old-fashioned.
A good car doesn’t need a salesman, it sells itself.
A good wine needs no buss.