Winner's circle would be a good equivalent (from horse racing, an area where the winning horse and rider are brought to receive their award.)
In some dialects, podium also has the connotation of a speaker's stand, not necessarily for winning an award.
Example usage:
In life, there is an exclusive arean I call "The Winner's CIrcle."
Philosophically speaking, it is an intangible, pretigious society
where people who consistently achieve results gain the respect of
from Living the Maximized Life: How to Win No Matter Where You're Starting From
I.V. Hilliard, 2006
Some examples in book titles:
The Winner's Circle: Wall Street's Best Mutual Fund Managers. R. J. Shook, 2005.
The Winner's Circle, Yes, I Can!: Strengthening the Achievement, Motivation and Responsibility of AT-RISK Students : Resource Handbook. Clare LaMeres, 1994.