What do we call this part of the room?
I am looking for the correct word for this part of the room. I have always called it a “low-roof room”. However, I am not sure whether it is correct.
I think most English speakers would refer to that as a loft.
An intermediate floor is known as a mezzanine
Described as: The lowest balcony or forward part of such a balcony in a theater.
A low-ceilinged stor(e)y between two other stories of greater height in a building, usu. built immediately above the ground floor, esp. when the low story and the one beneath it form part of one composition.
Collins English Dictionary
In the UK we would refer to it as a mezzanine. I am not presently allowed to up vote otherwise I would have.
Lofts/attics are usually enclosed spaces above the 'living' areas. Balconies are usually only exterior (unless in very old/large houses).
I can think of loft - a space at the top of a building under the roof used for storing things and usually entered by a ladder, or sometimes made into a room for living in; an upper floor or room
However, In Russia we call it "второй ярус" - second storey, some people call it "надстройка" - superstructure or "второй уровень" - second level and I've also heard people refer to it as "upstairs".
Such rooms are called "two-level rooms"
Balcony: (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/balcony)
Define balcony: a raised platform that is connected to the side of a building and surrounded by a low wall or railing