Which is the correct statement?

  • Once the installation finished, click on start.
  • Once the installation has finished, click on start.
  • Once the installation has been finished, click on start.
  • 4
    Which one do you thinks is correct, and why? This link may help you to decide: learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/verbs/…
    – JavaLatte
    Mar 11, 2017 at 9:18
  • 1
    Once the installation is finished, click Start. Mar 11, 2017 at 9:39
  • 1
    All three have the same meaning, that is to click after the installation has finished. Is is the most natural one since it described the current state at the time and means "immediately after the installation, click on start", the other alternatives do not have the same feeling of urgency.
    – Peter
    Mar 12, 2017 at 2:21
  • 1
    I personally would not say all three have the same meaning. The first one is not grammatically correct. But this may just be a typo? Mar 13, 2017 at 9:28

1 Answer 1


You are giving an instruction on what do to after something in the future has occurred.

The correct option is:

Once the installation finished, click on start
Once the installation has finished, click on start
Once the installation has been finished, click on start

You must say "once the installation has finished" because at the time of the instruction, it has not yet finished.

The expression "has been" is only appropriate is something has been used up by something or someone.

For example, you might say:

"After the cake has been finished, clear the plate away"

That's because the cake didn't do the finishing - it was finished by those who ate it.

As you are speaking directly about the installation, which completes by itself, just say it "has finished".

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