What's the difference between most, most of, and almost?
Which one should I use in the following sentence?
Most students passed the test.
Most of students passed the test.
Almost students passed the test.
What's the difference between most, most of, and almost?
Which one should I use in the following sentence?
Most students passed the test.
Most of students passed the test.
Almost students passed the test.
It depends on the context.
Use most to refer to a quantity of an unspecific group. We use most when we are speaking in general and do not have a specific group of people or things in mind.
Most students pass the test. (Speaking generally about an undefined population)
Use most of the X to refer to a quantity of a specific group. Note the expression includes a phrase defining the number to a specific group.
Most of the students (of my class/school etc.) passed the test. (Speaking about a specific sample of the population)
Ref: http://www.grammar-quizzes.com
Almost can be used with expressions of time and quantity. In other words you have to define the quantity.
Almost half of the students passed the test.