In one of my textbooks, there is a line that reads 'Plasma can be ignited and sustained from many types of gases.'
Is this usage correct? I would have rephrased this sentence as 'Plasma can be ignited from and sustained by many types of gases' (which also sounds a little 'unusual'). I have seen the expression 'sustained from' used in association with accidents (as 'injuries sustained from...') .MWD defines 'sustain' as:
Definition of sustain
transitive verb
1 : to give support or relief to
2 : to supply with sustenance : nourish
3 : keep up, prolong
4 : to support the weight of : prop; also : to carry or withstand (a >weight or pressure)
5 : to buoy up sustained by hope
6a : to bear up underb : suffer, undergo sustained heavy losses
7a : to support as true, legal, or justb : to allow or admit as valid >the court sustained the motion
8 : to support by adequate proof : confirm testimony that sustains >our contention
What I want to know is if this usage( in this context) is valid and if it is, what does the author mean?