What is the difference in the meaning between "Sinbad takes a barrel" and "Sinbad takes a barrel with him" ?
1 Answer
The addition of with him in this context emphasizes the fact that after Sinbad takes the barrel, he has it close to him for a certain period of time while he journeys in search of water to fill the barrel.
When I read "Sinbad takes a sweet and gives it to Sally", I interpret it like this. Sindbad grabbed a sweet by hand. He handed a sweet to Sally. I do not understand how I can hand a sweet to Sally without holding the sweet by hand. I would appreciate a little explanation for me to understand. Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 8:31
When I read "Sinbad takes a barrel", I interpret it like this, "Sinbad grabbed a barrel by hand". I would appreciate it if you let me know what went wrong. Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 8:37
Does "Sinbad takes a barrel" means that Sinbad grabs a barrel and then has it close to him? Is the difference in the meaning between “Sinbad takes a barrel” and “Sinbad takes a barrel with him”it that the difference between with " for a significant period of time " and without " for a significant period of time " ? Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 9:48
1@user22046 - Don't try to interpret "Sinbad takes a barrel" apart from its surrounding context. The verb take has many possible meanings; figuring out which one is the intended meaning requires the reader to look at the rest of the passage. By itself, "Sinbad takes a barrel" could mean, "Sinbad steals a barrel," "Sinbad grabs a barrel," "Sinbad totes a barrel," or even "Sinbad wins a barrel [as a prize]." Adding the phrase "with him" helps the reader understand which definition is being used.– J.R. ♦Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 16:03