I'm trying to translate a Russian sentence from a biotech-related technical text as closely to the original as possible. The original sentence is:
Пинцет обрабатывают безворсовой салфеткой, смоченной 76 % медицинским антисептическим раствором.
My attempt:
Wipe the pair of tweezers with a fiberless wipe ____ the 76 % medical antiseptic solution.
I'm not sure which word would be the most natural in the underscored location. Containing? Treated with? Impregnated with? Doused with? Dunked in?
The Russian original word, смоченной, means "moistened with".
I googled around and it looks like structures like this are used:
Disinfect the scissors and tweezers with an alcohol wipe before and after use...
But that would hardly work in my case.
Wipe the tweezers with varnish thinner immediately after use ...
This omits the use of the "wiping material" altogether, and would not work in my case.
P.S. Maybe one should flip-flop the sentence? Like this:
Wipe the pair of tweezers with the 76 % medical antiseptic solution applied to a lint-free wipe.