I encountered the phrase

"Paida fun is free-wheeling player fun, where rules are a convenience."

in the context of roleplaying games. As a native German speaker, I am uncertain of the meaning of the phrase, am I correct to guess:

"Paida fun is free-wheeling player fun, where rules are not so important, but simply used beacause it is easier to use rules than not to have rules at all."

  • I suspect convenience may be a poor translation. Given a first look at what Paida purports to be, I'd say it is probably closer to necessity (Notwendigkeit) than it is to convenience (Nútzlichkeit)
    – Robusto
    Commented Oct 30, 2017 at 0:57
  • Is this the source of your sentence? triplecrit.com/gamemastering-for-emotional-impact-pt-2 The rest of that paragraph seems to explain it pretty well. "Players looking to get some Paidial fun would prefer winging the rules-calls, going for whatever feels right at the moment."
    – ColleenV
    Commented Oct 30, 2017 at 1:06

1 Answer 1


It is a pun intended to add 'fun.'

And, you guessed it correctly!

...'where rules are a convenience.' means rules are just for fun and not to bother you. They are convenient!

Another such sentence I remember is: There's only one rule that there is no rule!

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