I have this word in my native language, "Semangat", that roughly means "have a spiritful, productive, enthusiastic mood", which I usually pair that word with "Lagu" (means "song") in Google, and it will return me upbeat, joyful, and lively songs which brighten your mood, probably such as "The Magnificent Seven" or "Dancing Queen".
If I have to translate it literally, I think the closest word that "Semangat" can be translated is "Fueled and burning". When using translator, usually the translator translate the word "Semangat" into "Spirit". But "Spirit" also means soul or ghost, so when I searched for Spirit song, I usually get something like New Age-y kind of songs or horror songs, which is not what I'm looking for.
If I'm going to find an upbeat song, I can put in the search query "upbeat song". But that is a very localized translation of "Semangat" in music, which cannot be used in other cases. "Have an upbeat day!" sounds a little bit off. And "Lagu Semangat" doesn't directly equals to upbeat songs. Dancing Queen is an example of an upbeat song. But a song can be not upbeat and still can brighten your mood and makes you more lively anyway (such as that The Magnificent Seven song).
What is the word that can express "Semangat" in English daily language?