Which is the correct one to use? Or are they both correct?
I am passion for seeing your getaways' photos.
I have passion for seeing your getaways' photos.
Which is the correct one to use? Or are they both correct?
I am passion for seeing your getaways' photos.
I have passion for seeing your getaways' photos.
First, I agree with the comment left by @Pochi – passion is probably too strong a word to use for wanting to see someone’s photos. We typically reserve passion for long-term interests, not short-term events we can do in an afternoon.
So, for example, I might say:
I have a passion for fishing.
particularly if I’m in my boat nearly every weekend. However, no matter how strong this passion may be, I would never say to my friend:
I have a passion for fishing with you next weekend.
Rather, I would use Pochi’s wording instead:
I’m looking forward to fishing with you next weekend.
So, the answer to your question is:
This ngram shows the prevalence of usage with the article.
That said, we can use am if we use the word passionate instead of passion:
I am passionate about fishing.