I don’t wanna wait another minute to find out whether you love me anymore
Which one does the above sentence mean? Or other meaning?
1) I do not want to wait another minute anymore to find out whether you love me.
2) I do not want to wait another minute to find out whether you love me or not anymore.
I’m not sure I love you anymore.
1) I’m not sure anymore I love you.
2) I’m not sure whether I love you or not anymore.
Another one is:
Oh! I long for Jeannie, and my heart bows low never more to find her where the bright waters flow
For the above example, can I say “my heart bows low to find her no (= never) more where the bright waters flow.”? (My guess is from the expression of “The army has arrived. We should fear no more.”) (formal English)
And does this mean the following or other meaning?
1) Oh! I long for Jeannie, and my heart bows low because “I (or my heart?) will find her no (= never) more where the bright waters flow.” (to find = future = will find)
2) because “I (or my heart?)” have found her no (= never) more where the bright waters flow.” (to find = recent happening or result = have found)