When I read this link: https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs

There is a sentence:

Getting setup with Trunk

I am not sure about the Trunk meaning here.

So, I query the dictionary, it may mean the tree's body, or some thing else.
But how about in this scenario?

1 Answer 1


Well, it sure sounds like a proper noun since the first letter of it is capitalized (proper nouns are the names of places, people, companies, products etc.). And upon closer inspection it indeed proves to be a proper noun (the name of a piece of software in this case): CocoaPods Trunk is an authentication and CocoaPods API service.

To spot a proper noun in English is an easy thing to do because they almost always begin with a capital letter (the only time I can think of when you would not capitalize the first letter is when you're doing it for stylization purposes) and typically, like 99% of the time, take no articles (the White House, for instance, is one of those exceptions). Here are some more examples:

His real name is John Smith.

Microsoft is the world's largest seller of operating systems for personal computers.

Paris is the capital city of France.

One of the most popular programming languages of the last ten years has been Python.

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