Unfortunately, your booking is rejected due to you had another appointment on the same day.

Is the above usage of due to correct grammar-wise? I have a feeling it makes more sense to say something like

Unfortunately, your booking is rejected due to the fact that you had another appointment on the same day.


Unfortunately, your booking is rejected simply because you had another appointment on the same day.

Please help me understand why the original sentence is/is not correct. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


You are right that the sentence Unfortunately, your booking is rejected due to you had another appointment on the same day is not correct.

Due to is used with a noun or a noun phrase (not a clause). For example,

  1. Due to injury, the team captain was forced to withdraw from the match.
  2. The bus was delayed due to heavy snow.

Due to can be substituted by because of or owing to. So, if you say due to + the fact + that, it's absolutely correct.

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