You would need to use “the”.
Not using “the” is very general, and doesn’t suggest you received something specific and are now talking about that specific thing.
Let’s consider the meanings of the following:
We got responses.
A very simple statement that means what it says.
We got some responses.
This means we received responses, but could have received more.
We got the responses.
This refers to specific responses. Either we are about to specify those, or the listener already knows what responses we were expecting.
We got the response.
Singular version of the above.
We got response.
This is the sort of thing you’d hear among professionals in an industry, e.g., technology or the armed services, where responses to certain things are so routine and commonplace, that they are referenced as an institution or process, i.e. just “response”.
We got a response.
This is what you would say if you were talking more generally about a single response, and not intending to specify what the response was.